Web Publishing process.

Web Publishing process 

The process of preparing a website and putting it on the Internet for everyone's use is a long process, which is completed in several stages, like the publication of a book. We can divide this entire process in the following five steps:

1. Registering a Domain Name.
2. Web Hosting.
3. Website Design and Development.
4. Promotion or promotion.
5. Maintenance.

Web Publishing process
Web Publishing process

All these steps are important for a successful website.

1. Registering a Domain Name

A website's domain name is its name or address by which it is recognized and viewed by the user of the Internet. The first step of web publishing is to set a domain name for that website and register that domain name on a web server.

Select Domain Name

You have to choose the domain name for your website yourself. This name should be such that it does not already belong to any other website and indicates the purpose and content of your site. Generally a company registers the same domain name as its name if it is available. If it is not available, a name similar to it can be taken, which is available.

The following points should be kept in mind while choosing the domain name for the website -

1. The domain name should be your or your company or your brand name. By doing this it will be easy for your customers to access your website, because it is not possible for any person to remember different names.

2. The shorter the domain name, the better. It is also easy to remember or type short names. you may chose the the domain name of 50- 75 words.

3. The hyphen (-) or dash (-) in the domain name should generally not be used.

4. The use of capital letters in the domain name should be avoided. All domain names are usually kept in small letters.

5. The plural should not be used in the domain name, because many times users forget to type plural. This opens the wrong website.

6. The purpose of your site is also revealed in the domain name. So, if your site is a charity or a voluntary organization, you should never name .COM. The domain name must be taken instead.
If you decide your domain name keeping these things in mind, then your website will be more likely to succeed.

Web Publishing process
Web Publishing process

Register Domain Name

A domain name register, which is set to network information, is a part of the domain name system that converts domain names to IP addresses. It is an organization that manages the registration of domain names. Creates a policy to allocate domain names and operate high-level domains. It differs from registrars of domain names. The task of registering domain names is done by a committee called Internet Assigned Numbers Authorty or (IANA). This committee self-registers high-level domain names and leaves the remaining work to various organizations.

There are many organizations and websites registering domain names of different countries. You can register your domain name by paying any of the prescribed fees. For example, many websites like Yaho.com, GoDaddy.com, Candidinfo.com, Sify.com, Dotster.com, Register.com etc. do this in India.

Web Publishing process

Web Publishing process

Their fee varies. Domain name registration is usually done for one year. Before this period ends, you can increase registration by paying a fee again. By the way, you can register your domain name for several years by depositing a fee of several years simultaneously. Many websites also offer to give you a free domain name, but before doing so you should think carefully.

2. Web Hosting

It is said to be the most important part of web publishing. This is similar to renting a space for your office or shop. When you register and design the domain name of your website, storing it on a web server is called web hosting. This work is done on a good web server only, because they keep your website active for 24 hours and make it available to everyone on the Internet.

Web Publishing process
Web Publishing process

3. Website Design and Development

A website is a collection of information on a particular subject. By designing a website, we mean to build its web pages and organize them in a particular way. A website is made up of various web pages. In a web page, there is part of those information for which the website has been created. In this way, you can see a website in the form of a book, every page of which can be considered as a web payment.

Web Publishing process
Web Publishing process

4. Promotion or promotion

The promotion of a website is done through the following methods-

1. By advertisement in newspapers or magazines.

2. Radio, TV. Advertisement on etc.

3. Advertise on other popular websites.

4. Connect your site with search engines like Google and Yahoo.

5. Maintenance

For the success of a website, it is necessary that there should be newness and interestingness in it so that its visitors keep coming in it. For this, you need to constantly improve your website and remove old information and keep adding new information. That is why you should keep visiting your website yourself and find out the need for changes. In particular, the information about your products, services and their prices should be up to date.
