What is protected mode

What is protected mode

The protected mode is a 32-bit operating mode that is identified on Intel 80286 or later on.This mode allows the termination of a failed program without restarting the computer or running programs. It offers access to addressing by virtual memory, expanded memory, and multiple tasks while it protecting programs against memory overwriting. 

Protected mode is an Intel 80286-compatible Intel operating mode. It allows operating system to use functionalities like virtual memory, paging, and  multi-tasking. It is also intended to improve the control of the Operating system over software applications.

What is protected mode
80286 chip - What is protected mode

Protected mode is a programming mode in an Intel-based computer where the program is limited to addressing an adjacent 640-kilobyte contiguous field. The original Intel PC microprocessor 8088 provided a random access memory (RAM) with an 1 megabyte. For the basic input / output system data, signals from your display and other system information the memory was divided into several areas.

In the beginning of 1982, Intel's x86 architecture utilized protected mode. It then became a basic basis for all additional Intel x86 architectures. The original releases did not allow a real mode switch or enable the protected mode. An option was provided, however, to save RAM stack pointers, registers and masks via a keyboard controller. After the advent of the 386 processor, the protected mode could easily be turned into enables eliminating complex steps involved in the 286 architecture, which have no internal exit mechanism in the protected mode.

What is protected mode

80286 chip - What is protected mode

The memory was divided into several area for bios signal for display and other system information.All operating system code and application program run in protected mode to ensure that data is not over written.

The protected mode support virtual memory concepts in which allows the system to use the hard disk to emulate additional system memory when needed.

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