What is Artificial Intelligence in detail.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence(AI) is the intelligence of a machine that can perform any intellectual and moral task a person can perform skillfully.

According to Artificial Intelligence father John McCarthy, it is "the science and engineering of smart machines, especially smart computer programs."

Artificial intelligence is a way of intelligently thinking a computer, a computer- governed robot or a software in the same way intelligent people think.

Artificial Intelligence( AI) is an area of informatics that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that function and react like people. Some of the artificial intelligence computer activities are voice recognition, learning, planning, troubleshoot.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Goals of Artificial Intelligence

Initial attempts were made to follow the logic of the computer, check proof, play chess and tic-tac-toe, things like this. It turns out that playing games and following logic, which is a bit difficult for us humans, is very easy for a computer to do. It is almost trivial, for example, to code a sudoku solver that runs in a few seconds,To quote Minsky (one of the early grands on the field) back in 1889 :

" Our first attempt at artificial intelligence was a program that has done a credible job in solving college calculus problems. We tackled high school algebra with this success; we found it much harder, to our surprise. Grade school arithmetic attempts present problems of current research interest. Except under t, an exploration of the child's world of blocks proved insurmountable. 

Therefore, the biggest problems in the field are those that "three years old can do ": things like walking, feeling, seeing, picking up language and grammar, understanding and manipulating unseen objects, recognizing what they see and so on. This was a big departure from the early days, now called "classical AI. " That's not to say that classic AI is gone; it's not the only thing now. 

The arrival of statistics and machine learning was a second major breakthrough. You can not overestimate the impact of statistics. Statistics and probability allowed us to deal with uncertainty, and many, if not all, areas of AI were revolutionized (I think I can say for sure) by their impact. 

Applications of Artificial Intelligence 

  • Cars self- driving.
  • The Fortuneteller.
  • The cleverest investor.
  • A World Better.
  • A superhuman physician.
  • Expert Systems.
  • Gaming.
  • Recognition of spoken word.
  • Intelligent Robots.
  • Handwriting Recognition.
