QR Code in detail / What is a QR Code ?

  What is a QR Code

QR code( Quick Response Code) is the trademark of a type of matrix bar code for the automotive industry in Japan first designed in 1994. A barcode is a machine- readable optical label with information on the item it is attached to.

A QR code is a square two- dimensional barcode that stores encoded data.

The QR Code extends the data available on any physical object and creates a digital scope for the marketing. This technology allows and accelerates the use of mobile web services: this is a highly creative digital tool.

QR Code in detail
Different type of QR code


Denso Wave, a Japanese subsidiary of the Toyota Group, created QR codes in 1994.The use of this technology is now free. The QR code may not be the only two- dimensional bar code on the global market, but the data matrix code is also an example.
QR Code is the world's most famous 2D barcode. It has been successful in Japan since the 2000s, where it has now become a standard. In 2011, every Japanese scanned an average of 5 QR codes daily- more than the average number of text messages sent.

A few examples of current QR codes

  • QR business card codes link to the complete summary or website of the individual.
  • A Starbucks  featured a QR code- enabled treasure hunt with hints in stores that were accessed via QR codes.
  • The J.N. in Florida. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge sets QR codes on signs connecting people to wildlife information videos along the paths.
  • Quiring Monuments in Seattle sets QR code on gravestones to connect people to a deceased's online notice or website.

How to scan a QR Code?

As explained below, the QR code is an easy three- step process. You must open your application for reading and point your camera to QR code. It is then recognized by the application performing the accompanying action.
  1. Download the reader.
  2. Scan the code.
  3. Access the contain.
QR Code in detail

Important things about QR code

We can generate powerful generator QR code and in a few seconds you'll be able to download your fully customized QR code. It's fast and easy.

After you have created your QR code, you can download it as an image to use in your documents or graphics. The image formats available vary with respect to the generator you are using.

The size of a QR code is an important issue that should not be overlooked! QR codes must be large enough to be recognized and decoded by the read application of the smartphone.

You are ready to print your QR codes on your years- long documents and posters and you want to know whether they will still work next decade or 10 years.

QR Code in detail
