Microprocessor in detail I What is microprocessor.


A microprocessor is a element that performs the instructions and tasks involved in computer processing. The microprocessor in a computer system is the fundamental unit that performs and manages the logical instructions.

A Microprocessor is an important part of a computer architecture without which we can't able to perform any thing on our system. 

It of an ALU, register, and a control unit. ALU performs arithmetical and logical operations. Register consists of  special registers identified like accumulator. The control unit controls the flow of data and instructions in the computer system.


Work of microprocessor

In starting, the instructions are in the memory. The microprocessor fetches those instructions from the memory, then decodes it and executes those instructions.After than, it sends the result in binary form to the output port. 
So that the main function of microprocessor is fetch,decode,and execute.

Basics of Microprocessor

A microprocessor takes and executes a bunch of instructions in the machine language to tell the processor what to do. When performing the instruction.

Microprocessor data can be moved from one place to the next.

It has a program counter( PC) register that stores the next instruction address based on the value of the PC, the microprocessor jumps from one location to another and decides.

Clock Speed of Microprocessor

64-bit Microprocessor
  • INTEL CORE-2: 1.2GHz to 3GHz
  • INTEL i7: 66GHz to 3.33GHz
  • INTEL i5: 2.4GHz to 3.6GHz
  • INTEL i3: 2.93GHz to 3.33GHz 
  • 16-bit Microprocessor
32-bit Microprocessor

  • INTEL 80386: 16MHz to 33MHz
  • INTEL 80486: 16MHz to 100MHz
  • PENTIUM: 66MHz 
16-bit Microprocessor
  • 8086: 4.7MHz, 8MHz, 10MHz
  • 8088: more than 5MHz
  • 80186/80188: 6MHz
  • 80286: 8MHz 

Features of a Microprocessor

Efficiency :In microprocessors, the failure rate of an IC is very low and therefore efficient.

Size: The microprocessor has a small chip and is therefore portable.

Versatility:  It is are flexible because we can configure the software program to use the same chip in a number of jobs.

Power Consumption: Microprocessors are manufactured using a low power consuming metaloxide semiconductor technology.

Efficient: The microprocessor chips are available at low prices and have a low cost.

